Press Releases

Solactive and UBS Launch the EUR Ultra-Short Diversified Bond ESG Index

Solactive is pleased to announce its collaboration with UBS Asset Management for the launch of their new UBS (Irl) ETF plc – EUR Ultra-Short Bond ESG UCITS ETF, tracking the Solactive EUR Ultra-Short Diversified Bond ESG Index. This innovative index provides exposure to short-term debt securities denominated in Euro, including bonds, bills, commercial papers and certificate of deposits from sovereign, supranational and agency issuers in the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). For the supranational and agency portion, the index incorporates environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into its selection process. For the government component, the index considers country risk ratings to screen sovereign issuers.

The Solactive EUR Ultra-Short Diversified Bond ESG Index is designed to meet the growing demand for sustainable fixed income investments by combining short duration with responsible investment principles. The index selects debt securities from sovereign, supranational, and agency issuers with a minimum amount outstanding of EUR 100 million and  a maximum maturity of 6 months. For the government debt portion, constituents are weighted based on market value. For agency and supranational debt part, constituents are equally weighted per issuer.

The ETF will be listed on the Borsa Italiana on 22 March under the ticker symbol SHORT IM, and on XETRA on 26 March under the ticker symbol BCFH GY.

Timo Pfeiffer, Chief Markets Officer at Solactive, commented“We are excited to partner with UBS on this innovative index that marries short duration with responsible principles. ESG integration in core fixed income strategies is an important trend, and this Index allows transparent implementation at the benchmark level.”