
Solactive AG Data Vendor Change

Solactive AG will change the vendor for certain data points used in the selection process for the Index Components of the indices listed below (the “Affected Indices”):

Index Name

Index ISIN

Index RIC

Solactive USD High Yield Corporates Total Market Index



Solactive USD High Yield Corporates Total Market 0-5 Year Index



Solactive USD High Yield Corporates Total Market High Beta Index



Solactive USD High Yield Corporates Total Market Low Beta Index



Solactive USD High Yield Corporates Total Market in CAD TR Index



Solactive USD High Yield Corporates Total Market PR Index



Solactive USD High Yield Corporates Total Market AUD Index



This change of vendor is expected to be implemented effective as of the Selection Day in respect of the ordinary rebalance at the last Business Day of January 2023. 

Solactive AG has performed a simulation of the potential impact on the ordinary rebalance when this change of vendor is effective and determined that for the Affected Indices this change of vendor is expected to result in a turnover of Index Components higher than the normal average turnover of Index Components observed in past ordinary rebalances.

Defined terms used in this announcement, but not defined herein, have the meaning assigned to them in the respective Index Guideline of the Affected Indices.