
Methodology Change | Solactive B-BRE Israel Infrastructure Index | Effective Date 26 January 2024

Solactive announces the following changes to the methodology of the following indices (the ‘Affected Indices’):

Solactive B-BRE Israel Infrastructure Index NTR .SOBBINFN DE000SL0AV98
Solactive B-BRE Israel Infrastructure Index PR .SOBBINFP DE000SL0AV80
Solactive B-BRE Israel Infrastructure Index TR .SOBBINFT DE000SL0AWA8

Rationale for Methodology Change

The Affected Indices provide exposure to companies listed on the TASE exchange. These companies serve as a starting universe. Due to changes in the rebalance schedule of the starting universe, Solactive determined to adjust the schedule of Selection Day and Rebalance Day for the Affected Indices to ensure tradability of the companies of the universe.

Changes to the Index Guideline

The following Methodology changes will be implemented in the following points of the Index Guideline (ordered in accordance with the numbering of the affected sections):

1. Section 1.1. – SCOPE OF THE INDEX

From (old version):


Rebalancing Frequency: Semi-annually; the Index will be reconstituted (i.e. the Index Universe will be newly determined) in August each year and Index Components will be reweighted in February each year.


To (new version):


Rebalancing Frequency: Semi-annually; the Index will be reconstituted (i.e. the Index Universe will be newly determined) in November each year and Index Components will be reweighted in May each year.




From (old version):

Based on the Index Universe, the initial composition of the Index as well as any selection for an ordinary rebalance is determined on the Selection Day in accordance with the following rules:

For each security in the Index Universe an infrastructure coefficient is determined (0≤ c ≤1) based on their infrastructure revenues in Israel in relation to their total revenues as applicable in the most recent available annual report of each security. The determination of the coefficient will be done by the Data Provider prior to the Selection Day in August of each year.


To (new version):

Based on the Index Universe, the initial composition of the Index as well as any selection for an ordinary rebalance is determined on the Selection Day in accordance with the following rules:

For each security in the Index Universe an infrastructure coefficient is determined (0≤ c ≤1) based on their infrastructure revenues in Israel in relation to their total revenues as applicable in the most recent available annual report of each security. The determination of the coefficient will be done by the Data Provider prior to the Selection Day in November of each year.



3. Section 6. – DEFINITIONS

From (old version):

“Rebalance Day” is the first Thursday in February and August. If that day is not a Trading Day the Rebalance Day will be the immediately following Trading Day.

To (new version):

“Rebalance Day” is the first Thursday in May and November. If that day is not a Trading Day the Rebalance Day will be the immediately following Trading Day.




Defined terms used in this announcement, but not defined herein, have the meaning assigned to them in the respective index guideline of the Affected Indices.