
Methodology Change | ILIM Sustainable Indices | Effective Date 02/11/2023

Today, on the 26/10/2023, Solactive announces the following changes to the methodology of the following Indices (the ‘Affected Indices’):

Solactive ILIM Sustainable Developed Market Equity Index PR .SOILSDMP DE000SL0DF79
Solactive ILIM Sustainable Developed Market Equity Index NTR .SOILSDMN DE000SL0DF87
Solactive ILIM Sustainable Developed Market Equity Index TR .SOILSDMT DE000SL0DF95
Solactive ILIM Sustainable Global Market Equity Index TR .SOILSGMT DE000SL0DGF4
Solactive ILIM Sustainable Global Market Equity Index NTR .SOILSGMN DE000SL0DGE7
Solactive ILIM Sustainable Global Market Equity Index PR .SOILSGMP DE000SL0DGD9
Solactive ILIM Sustainable Emerging Market Equity Index PR .SOILSEMP DE000SL0DGA5
Solactive ILIM Sustainable Emerging Market Equity Index NTR .SOILSEMN DE000SL0DGB3
Solactive ILIM Sustainable Emerging Market Equity Index TR .SOILSEMT DE000SL0DGC1
Solactive ILIM Sustainable EAFE Equity Index PR .SOILSEAP DE000SL0J4S8
Solactive ILIM Sustainable EAFE Equity Index NTR .SOILSEAN DE000SL0J4T6
Solactive ILIM Sustainable EAFE Equity Index TR .SOILSEAT DE000SL0J4U4

Rationale for Methodology Change

The ‘DATA PROVIDER’ has opted to discontinue the data points associated with the Green Revenues Category and has chosen to substitute them with new ones.

Changes to the Index Guideline

The following Methodology changes will be implemented in the following points of the Index Guideline 2.2 SELECTION OF THE INDEX COMPONENTS:

From (old version):

Green Revenues
Energy Efficiency Overall-Revenue Percentage
Green Buildings Overall-Revenue Percentage
Green Transportation Overall-Revenue Percentage
Renewable Energy Overall-Revenue Percentage
Water Overall-Revenue Percentage
Pollution Prevention & Reduction Overall-Revenue Percentage
Resource Efficiency Technologies & Services Overall-Revenue Percentage

To (new version):

Green Revenues
Technologies_Energy Efficiency Distribution
Technologies_Energy Efficiency Materials
Technologies_Energy Efficiency Industrials
Transmission_Energy Efficiency Distribution
Consumer Electonics_Energy Efficiency
Technologies_Green Buildings
Equipment_Green Buildings
Professional Services_Green Buildings
Acquisition_Green Buildings
Development_Green Buildings
Construction_Green Buildings
Renovation_Green Buildings
Technologies Maintenance_Green Buildings
Devices_Green Buildings
Technologies_Green Transportation
Batteries_Green Transportation
Urban_Green Transportation
Interurban Passengers_Green Transportation
Rail Infrastructure_Green Transportation
Low Carbon Infrastructure_Green Transportation
Technologies_Green Vehicles
Technologies_Renewable Energy
Solar PV_Renewable Energy Generation
Solar PV_Renewable Energy Support
CSP_Renewable Energy Generation
CSP_Renewable Energy Support
Wind_Renewable Energy Generation
Wind_Renewable Energy Support
Ocean_Renewable Energy Generation
Ocean_Renewable Energy Support
Hydropower_Renewable Energy Generation
Hydropower_Renewable Energy Support
Bioenergy_Renewable Energy Generation
Bioenergy_Renewable Energy Support
Geothermal_Renewable Energy Generation
Geothermal_Renewable Energy Support
Technologies Maintenance_Renewable Energy
Construction_Water Supply Services
Construction_Water Supply Infrastructure
Renewal_Water Supply Infrastructure
Construction_Wastewater Services
Construction_Wastewater Infrastructure
Renewal_Wasterwater Infrastructure
Hazardous Waste_Management
Technologies_Pollution Prevention
Non-Hazardous Waste_Recycling Services
Non-Hazardous Waste_Recycling Sales

The new overall percentage is obtained by summing all the new fields to get the aggregated information that was provided by 1 legacy field ID, as instructed by the ’DATA PROVIDER’.


The use of the updated Green Revenues Category will be incorporated within the November 2023 rebalance.

Defined terms used in this announcement, but not defined herein, have the meaning assigned to them in the respective index guideline of the Affected Indices. The amended version of the index guideline will be available on the effective date