Market Consultation

Market Consultation on the Methodology Change of the Solactive MLP Infrastructure Index (extended)

Frankfurt, 21 August 2018 – Solactive announced on 1 August 2018 a Market Consultation with regard to several proposals to change the methodology of the Solactive MLP Infrastructure Index. Details in relation to the Market Consultation can be accessed using the following link: https://www.solactive.com/market-consultation-on-the-methodology-change-of-the-solactive-mlp-infrastructure-index/.
Solactive´s Oversight Commitee decided to extend the original feedback deadline until Thursday, 30 August 2018 cob.

All stakeholders and interested third parties are invited to provide input and feedback to the proposed changes. Solactive welcomes all contributions and thoroughly assesses all responses received.

If you would like to share your thoughts with Solactive, please use the consultation form below and provide us with your personal details and those of your organization.