Press Releases

KB Asset Management Launches KB RISE US Quantum Computing ETF, Tracking the Solactive US Quantum Computing Technology Index

Solactive is pleased to strengthen the partnership with KB Asset Management with the launch of KB RISE US Quantum Computing ETF, tracking the Solactive US Quantum Computing Technology Index. Designed to capture the growth of the leading innovators in the quantum computing industry, the index aims to offer investors targeted exposure to companies at the forefront of quantum technology.

The quantum computing market has experienced rapid growth, expedited by the recent breakthroughs in both physical hardware and software algorithms, in which they collectively provide the foundational framework for groundbreaking achievements in extensive technology domains such as drug discovery, battery chemistry, multi-variable logistics, autonomous vehicles, and precise asset pricing. Transformative quantum computing technology will immensely boost the computational capabilities across industries and accelerate global technological advancement.

The Solactive US Quantum Computing Technology Index includes the top 20 US-listed and headquartered companies that are engaged in quantum computing technology—both foundational hardware and essential software. As such the index encompasses hardware firms specializing in quantum processors, qubit technologies, and related physical systems, as well as software companies with a focus on quantum programming, algorithm development, and essential software platforms for quantum programming applications. By utilizing ARTIS®, Solactive’s proprietary natural language processing algorithm, the top 10 constituents in each category are selected based on their relevance to quantum computing. The index applies a blended weighting approach, combining 30% market capitalization weight and 70% ARTIS rank weight. This ensures a balanced representation of key players while maintaining diversification. Hardware and software each contribute 50% of the total index weight, with individual securities capped at 25% and a minimum weight of 1%.

The ETF is listed on March 11th on the Korean Stock Exchange with the ticker code 0018Z0.

Timo Pfeiffer, Chief Markets Officer at Solactive, commented“We are delighted to deepen our collaboration with KB Asset Management on this Solactive US Quantum Computing Technology Index. As the quantum computing sector transitions from theoretical research to practical applications, it unlocks unprecedented opportunities for investors. At Solactive, we remain dedicated to addressing our clients’ evolving needs and pioneering innovative index solutions in the rapidly advancing market.”

Soojin Lee, Head of ETF Product Division at KB Asset Management commented: “It is our pleasure to extend our partnership with Solactive by launching the KB RISE US Quantum Computing ETF. The ETF invests in U.S. hardware and software companies leading the early stages of the quantum computing industry. It aims to diversify across small to mid-cap pure-play companies and large-cap technology firms for stable returns. While reducing individual stock risks through diversification, this product aims to capture and benefit investors from the long-term growth of the industry.”