
Guideline Change for Several Solactive Single Stock Adjusted Return Indices | Effective Date 02/02/2024

Today, on January 2nd 2024, Solactive announces the following changes to the methodology of the following Indices (the “Affected Indices”):

Index Name RIC ISIN

Solactive BCE AR 3.87 Index



Solactive TC ENERGY AR 3.72 Index



Solactive PEMBINA PIPELINE AR 2.67 Index



Solactive MFC AR 1.46 Index



Solactive GWO AR 2.08 Index



Solactive POW AR 2.1 Index



Solactive Cenovus Energy AR 0.56 Index



Solactive Imperial Oil AR 2.0 Index



Solactive Keyera Corp. AR 2.0 Index




Rationale for Methodology Change

Solactive has determined that the above list of Single Stock Adjusted Return Indices would benefit from a modification of the return adjustment mechanism, namely a switch from a daily to monthly deduction of the decrement points. Indeed, a great number of Canadian stocks are paying monthly and quarterly dividends. Offering a new deduction frequency will allow for a better representation of the dividend policy of the underlying of these single stock adjusted return indices. The introduction of the monthly deduction frequency will also be beneficial to the Canadian investors, allowing for a greater diversity of indices available to them.

Changes to the Index Guideline

The following Methodology changes will be implemented in the following points of the Index Guideline:

  • Appendix 1. is amended to add a column named “Adjustment type” that will define the frequency (i.e. daily or monthly) and the type (i.e. points or percentage) of the deduction.
  • Section 4.1 is amended as per the below to incorporate the definition of daily, monthly, points and percentage formulas:

Each Index is calculated on an adjusted return basis according to the following formula:

Point Decrement:

Percentage Decrement:


Each Index is calculated on an adjusted return basis according to the following formula:

if “Adjustment” = Daily, Points in the table in Appendix I:


if “Adjustment” = Daily, Percentage in the table in Appendix I:

if “Adjustment” = Monthly, Points in the table in Appendix I:

If t is not the last Calculation Day of the month

If t is the last Calculation Day of the month

if “Adjustment” = Monthly, Percentage in the table in Appendix I:

If t is not the last Calculation Day of the month

If t is the last Calculation Day of the month

Defined terms used in this announcement, but not defined herein, have the meaning assigned to them in the respective index guideline of the Affected Indices. The amended version of the index guideline will be available on the effective date.