
Announcement | KMC PROPERTIES | Informative Notice

Solactive notes the acquisition of KMC PROPERTIES (RIC: KMCP.OL) by LOGISTEA AB. Shareholders of KMC are entitled to around 0.04 class A shares and around 0.51 class B shares in Logistea per share held.
On July 4, 2024, KMC announced that the distribution will be split into two rounds, capturing approximately 80% and 20% of the value to be distributed. In the first distribution ex-8th July 2024, shareholders will receive a dividend-in-kind with an equivalent amount of NOK 6.3949. The remaining Logistea shares will be distributed in late Q3 or early Q4 2024.
Shareholders have two alternative options with respect to receipt of the dividend in kind, either by receipt of shares on a Swedish deposit account (the “First Distribution Shares”) or by Norwegian Depository Receipts (the “NDRs”). The Transaction is, subject to certain conditions, expected to be completed on 11 July 2024.
In order for Solactive AG to offer better valuation of the index and improved replicability, Solactive will consider this distribution as a special net cash dividend of NOK 6.3949 effective July 8, 2024, subject to shareholder approval on July 5, 2024. Solactive will continue monitoring for KMC PROPERTIES delisting. In case a delisting is announced KMC PROPERTIES will be removed from the indices and the weight of KMC based on its last close price will be distributed pro rata to remaining Index constituents on a date to be announced. In case you have any questions regarding the proposed treatment of this extraordinary corporate action, please do not hesitate to contact for further information.

Solactive ISS ESG Screened Nordics All Cap Index NTR
Solactive ISS ESG Screened Nordics All Cap Index PR
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