
Termination of Solactive Administrated Indices / Effective Date 5 March 2024

Solactive hereby announces to terminate the following indices effective 5 March 2024 (the “Effective Date”):

Index Name Index RIC ISIN
Solactive Kiwi Emerging Markets Screened NZD Index PR .SOKEMSNP DE000SL0DFP5
Solactive Kiwi Emerging Markets Screened NZD Index NTR .SOKEMSNN DE000SL0DFQ3
Solactive Kiwi Emerging Markets Screened NZD Index TR .SOKEMSNT DE000SL0DFR1
Solactive Kiwi Pacific ex Japan Screened NZD Index TR .SOKPJSNT DE000SL0DFN0
Solactive Kiwi Pacific ex Japan Screened NZD Index PR .SOKPJSNP DE000SL0DFL4
Solactive Kiwi Pacific ex Japan Screened NZD Index NTR .SOKPJSNN DE000SL0DFM2
Solactive Kiwi United States Screened NZD Index PR .SOKUSSNP DE000SL0DFB5
Solactive Kiwi United States Screened NZD Index NTR .SOKUSSNN DE000SL0DFC3
Solactive Kiwi United States Screened NZD Index TR .SOKUSSNT DE000SL0DFD1
Solactive Kiwi Developed Markets Europe Screened NZD Index PR .SOKEUSNP DE000SL0DFE9
Solactive Kiwi Developed Markets Europe Screened NZD Index NTR .SOKEUSNN DE000SL0DFF6
Solactive Kiwi Developed Markets Europe Screened NZD Index TR .SOKEUSNT DE000SL0DFG4
Solactive Kiwi Japan Screened NZD Index PR .SOKJPSNP DE000SL0DFH2
Solactive Kiwi Japan Screened NZD Index TR .SOKJPSNT DE000SL0DFK6
Solactive Kiwi Japan Screened NZD Index NTR .SOKJPSNN DE000SL0DFJ8
Solactive Kiwi Developed Markets ex North America Screened NZD Index PR .SOKXASNP DE000SL0FP00
Solactive Kiwi Developed Markets ex North America Screened NZD Index NTR .SOKXASNN DE000SL0FP18
Solactive Kiwi Developed Markets ex North America Screened NZD Index TR .SOKXASNT DE000SL0FP26