
Market Consultation | Solactive ISS ESG Screened Paris Aligned Nordic Index Series | April 2023

Solactive AG decided to conduct a Market Consulting with regard to changing the Indices Methodology of the following indices (the ‘Indices’): 

Solactive ISS ESG Screened Paris Aligned Nordic Index PR DE000SL0DXW4 .SSPABNOP
Solactive ISS ESG Screened Paris Aligned Nordic Index NTR DE000SL0DXX2 .SSPABNON
Solactive ISS ESG Screened Paris Aligned Nordic Index TR DE000SL0DXY0 .SSPABNOT
Solactive ISS ESG Screened Paris Aligned Norway Index PR DE000SL0DXZ7 .SSPABNWP
Solactive ISS ESG Screened Paris Aligned Norway Index NTR DE000SL0DX02 .SSPABNWN
Solactive ISS ESG Screened Paris Aligned Norway Index TR DE000SL0DX10 .SSPABNWT

Solactive is inviting all stakeholders and interested third parties to evaluate the proposed changes to the Methodology for the Solactive United States Benchmark Series and welcomes any feedback on how this may affect and/or improve their use of Solactive indices.

The detailed descriptions of the proposed changes can be found in the attached documents.

Stakeholders and third parties who are interested in participating in this Market Consultation are invited to respond until April 25, 2023.

Subject to feedback received on this Market Consultation, the changes mentioned above are intended to become effective on April 26, 2023.